Personnel de l'université


Doctorant / Ph.D. Student


Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Sciences du Langage / Linguistics

  • L1 - Domaines des Sciences du Langage / 1st year bachelor - Introduction to Linguistics
  • L1 - Questions épistémologiques en Sciences du Langage / 1st year bachelor - Epistemic questions in Linguistics
  • L2 - Acquisition & Psycholinguistique I / 2nd year bachelor - Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistic I
  • L3 - Acquisition & Psycholinguistique II / 3rd year bachelor - Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistic II

Thèmes de recherche

Thèse de doctorat : "Développement du Langage Logique chez les enfants : études de cas en français L1"
Ph.D. thesis: "Development of Children's Logical Language: Case study in French L1" (supervisors: Hamida Demirdache, Angeliek van Hout) 

  • Acquisition / Language Acquition
  • Langage logique / Logical Language
  • Sémantique et pragmatique expérimentales / Experimental semantics and pragmatics

Activités / CV

Articles :

  • Cochard, A., Demirdache, H. & van Hout, A. (in press). Interpreting Disjunction Across Positive and Negative Contexts: Evidence from Child French. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Somerville: Cascadilla Press. 

Communications récentes : / Recent talks and posters: 

  • Cochard, A., Demirdache, H., & van Hout, A. (2022). Child disjunction across positive and negative contexts: Evidence from French. Poster presented at the 47th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD47). November 3-6. Boston University. Boston.
  • Quellec, L., & Cochard, A. (2022). Liquids and Obstruent-Liquid clusters: Content and Structure, the view from French children. 18th Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Phonology (WoSSP18). October 20-21. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona.
  • Cochard, A., Demirdache, H., & van Hout, A. (2022). Interpreting OR across positive and negative contexts: Evidence from L1 French. 15th conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA15). September 22-24. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt Am Main.
  • Cochard A., Demirdache H., van Hout A., Hollebrandse B., (2020). Free choice disjunction: the conjunction of multiple inferences, CLCG Acquisition Lab. Seminar, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
  • Cochard A., Demirdache H., van Hout A., Hollebrandse B., (2020). Development of logical language: Toward a unified approach across contexts, OASIS 2.5 Student Workshop, University of Nantes, France.
  • Cochard A., Demirdache H., (2020). "Non-adult interpretations of disjunction in positive vs. negative contexts in child L1 French", CLCG Acquisition Lab. Seminar, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Mis à jour le 05 septembre 2024.